Dominican Republic - currency

The Dominican Republic currency is the Dominican Peso. However, you can pay in either Dollars or Pesos, whichever you prefer. And don’t stress about exchanging your money as many big-name supermarkets change currency. Alternatively, you can opt to get your money delivered to your home address if you’re super organised. 

When you arrive, all resorts, major towns and cities have ATMs (cash machines), which will normally have a daily withdrawal limit of between 5,000 and 10,000 pesos. If you do need to exchange money during your trip, only do so at a bank or an official exchange office - known in Spanish as casa de cambio.

It’s a good idea to inform your bank that you will be using your card abroad to avoid any surprise charges. Travel money cards are also widely used if you don’t want to carry cash.

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Pick your cash up from your local branch or get home delivery